Sunday, June 3, 2012

Free Gift dari Dumex mama Club

Lupa lak arituh terbaca dari blog siapa tah psl free gift dr Dumex mama club
so gigihla duk mengregister diri thru website dumex tuh
seminggu...still xde apa2 lg...
2 mgu.....
dan tgu lg...

tiba dapat kol dari husben...

"yang...ade note dari nationwide..ade parcel"
ni beli ape lak ni....?

" mane ada beli ape2, so ku terus kol nationwide 
and diorang info aku dats parcel from dumex mama club"

so aku bagi alamat opis aku..and the next day..

tada...nila yang aku dapat..yeay....

1 comment:

  1. Just wonder you still have the mama club free gift rabbit... My niece have it since she born and having the rabbit toy with her still now which she is 6year old now... Unfortunately. Her rabbit friend misplaced last month... Sue was very upsad since her childmate... We have contact dumex company and the gift is sending out by singapore company and no stock keeping anymore... If you still kepping it... And you willing to share the love to my niece... Appreciate you could contact us for further...
